Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton, r. Oct. 2014

p. 60 "A dead man looks created," Lauderback continued. "As a scuplture looks created. It makes you marvel at the work of the design; makes you think of the designer."

p. 119 Tom complete this costume (for so he perceived of his daily dress: as a costume that could be completed, to effect) he smoked a pipe, a fat calabash with a bitten-down stem - though his affection for the instrument had less to do with the pleasures of the habit than for the opportunity for emphasis it provided. He often held it in his teeth unlit, and spoke out of the corner of his mouth like a comic player delivering an aside - a comparison which suited him, for if Nilssen was vain of the impressions he created, it was because he knew that he created them well.

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