p. 19 I chose to live in the Pacific islands because life
there moves at the sort of pace which you feel God must have had in mind
originally when He made the sun to keep us warm and provided the fruits of the
earth for the taking…
p. 77 Almost without noticing it, I slipped into the routine
that was to become my life. Early morning had a familiar sound for I was
regularly awakened by a rooster just before dawn. I would lie there relaxed for
a little, thinking how lucky I was to look forward to a day which was going to
bring me nothing but satisfaction.
p. 141 I remember thinking, too, how vastly different their
lives were going to be from mine once their pleasant cruise was over. Even when
they reached Apia in Samoa there would be bright lights (of a sort), cars, busy
streets, cinemas, hotels; so-called luxuries which, however desirable, exacted
their own price in tensions, problems, congested humanity.
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