Monday, January 4, 2016

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, r. Jan. 2016

p. 32 When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

p. 69 And is not time even as love is, undivided and paceless? But if in your thought you must measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other seasons, and let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing.

p. 90 We are the seeds of the tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind and are scattered.

p. 100 Life, and all that lives, is conceived in the mist and not in the crystal. And who knows but a crystal is mist in decay?

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