p. 22 Our passion is simply the work we've trusted ourselves to do.... The trap is this: only after we do the difficult work does it become our calling. Only after we trust the process does it become our passion. "Do what you love" is for amateurs. "Love what you do" is the mantra for professionals.
p. 33 It's not important that the kids developed their musical skills when they were eleven. It's important that they developed the habit of identity. When they looked in the mirror, they saw themselves as musicians, as artists, as people who had committed to a journey.
p. 64 Generosity is the most direct way to find the practice. Generosity subverts resistance by focusing the work on someone else. Generosity means that we don't have to seek reassurance for the self, but can instead concentrate on serving others. It activates a different part of our brain and gives us a more meaningful way forward. People don't want to be selfish, and giving in to resistance when you're doing generous work feels selfish.
p. 68 Positive people are more likely to enjoy the practice. They're not wasting any time experiencing failure in advance.
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