p. 94 I believe it was Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind who said that fortunes can be made only during the building up or tearing down of an empire, and Salazar certainly subscribed to that theory. In the so-called wolfram water, the Portuguese dictator had the last lycanthropic laugh.
p. 175 Still, Pasteur knew that luck explained just part of his success. As he himself declared, "Chance favors only the prepared mind."
p. 225 The desire for a great adventure and the love of riches are practically built into human nature. As such, history is dotted with innumerable gold rushes.
p. 260 A pathological science takes advantage of that caution. Basically, its believers use the ambiguity about evidence as evidence - claiming that scientists don't know everything and therefore there's room for my pet theory, too.
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