Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Valparaiso by Don DeLillo, r. Mar. 2012

p. 23 Interviewer: But not completely subhuman. Not some furry coupling designed to reproduce the beaver species so they can fell their trees and build their beaver dams to whatever mysterious ecological end and deep personal satisfaction.
p. 67 Delfina: But all the sexier, yes, in you body-hugging briefs. Teddy knows it's true. Each life so dense and rich. And the lives of the guests.
p. 70 Livia: Yes, I do, in my compact car, stopped in traffic somewhere, with my life sort of bug-stuck on the windshield.
p. 71 Livia: I'm a little bit of everything around me. Who am I. But completely separate at the same time. I'm whoever it is that has my memories. I'm part my mother, my father, my husband, my son. Part my car, my house. My dog if we had a dog. My hometown, a whole lot. But completely someone separate. I used to be a little knock-kneed. My father called me a knock-kneed creature of the earth. That's who I am.
p. 83 Delfina: Do not disappear off camera. Michael. Or none of this will have happened. Off-camera lives are unverifiable.
p. 97 Michael: Why do you need to know? Delfina caresses him lightly from behind. Delfina: Because we can't stop needing. Because everything's disposable.
p. 101 Delfina: Waxed or unwaxed. Because this is what we need to know.

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